Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Guide Your Steps

Sometimes you outgrow the friends and acquaintances in your life….and this can be an unsettling revelation especially when you are comfortable with the people who you have surrounding you on a regular basis. How can you, even though you know it may be the right thing to do, eliminate someone from your circle….from your life even? How can you begin the process of weeding out those individuals who have begun to drain you mentally and spiritually? It’s time to clean house when you are purging friendships and/or relationships because you yearn for affirmations that make you feel like a better man or woman. Often times we hold on to relationships not because they enhance our lives, but because they are what we are used to, they are what makes us comfortable, they are who we have let define us.

Not all relationships that worked for us in the past will work for us right now……in our present situation. We must, at all times, create a circle of support whose ideas and goals are aligned with our own. Many times we allow people to remain in our lives, because we are not actively following and creating our path, we are just letting it “happen”……we let the ideas of others guide our path. We tell our young people all the time….”Be a leader, not a follower” or “Be the head not the tail”. How many of us “adults” take heed of our own direction and advice? How many of us actually take the time to evaluate who we communicate on a daily basis?

Now this may prove to be a difficult task….you may have to cut off friends you have known since high school, family you thought had your back, or even that first love who you thought would have your heart forever. You have to take care of you…..take that journey so that you are in control of your life, and control who you CHOOSE to have in your life. There is no room for error, no room for someone else to direct your path.

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