Friday, January 29, 2010

Hear me ROAR

Okay so today I am feeling empowered, strong, and I may have just a bit of an attitude.....SO WHAT! Smile. I am feeling good, but if anyone messes with me out now!

I was thinking about my 12 year old this morning, and how she is so quiet, sweet and willing to do anything for anyone! She is going to be such a good mother (when she is married and finished with her education!!!) because she is so patient and loving with her little brothers!!! (AWWWW) I want to make sure that I am setting the example for her to be a strong, independent young lady who does not have to follow the crowd in order to be accepted. I want her to be comfortable in her own skin so that she knows that she is able to do anything that she wants to do, and all that she needs to do in order to achieve those things is to work hard......AND unfortunately learn how to play the game!!!

IDK, I worry sometimes that I am not teaching her all that she needs to know, and then I think about my mother and how she simply teaches me by her actions, how she reacts to certain situations, and how she chooses her words carefully and I know that my own daughter will learn the same way!! (Love you Mommy.......YES I said MOMMY!!!)

Soooooo here is another piece that I wrote last year, but describes how I am feeling today!!!

In the beginning was ME,
God created ME
To be the mirror image of what
He wanted all other women to be.

I’m a Black Woman
Strong, educated
Standing tall with the stance of grace
God willed to me.

I’m a Black Woman,
Don’t be scared,
I’m strong when I need to be,
My mind is tough when you try to intimidate me,
Yet gentle when I need to be.

I’m a Black Woman,
Caring…that’s how He designed me to be
Understanding is how I need to be
Yet don’t think that you can step over me.

I’m a Black Woman,
In the beginning was ME,
God created ME
To be the mirror image
of what He wanted all other women to be.

TMS June 2009

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Feeling Like Love

SOOOOO, I am new to writing blogs, and I thought that I would start my first one off by talking about the one thing that makes me happy....LOVE. Loving and being in love is so precious and is what makes many in this world the happiest. I know that for me me I am the happiest when I know that I am loved and when I am giving love! (AWWWWW I know, I know!) I am an emotional creature (can you tell yet?) who many times wears what I am feeling on my sleeve...which is not good I can't let people all the way in all the time now can you?!
When I feel myself getting down and I want to put a smile on my face I put on the the song "LOVE" by Neo Soul artist Musiq Soulchild! (Does that surprise you?)
That song ALWAYS puts me in a good mood no matter what I am going through!
Check out some of the lyrics:

"Love..... so many things I've got to tell you,
but there's a possibility that you'd look at me differently,
Love.....ever since the first moment I saw your face, from then on I knew,
that by you being in my life things were destined to change"

I ABSOLUTELY love this song! Many times I put it on repeat and sing my heart out!!!
A good friend once said to me that you could put on good music and get me to do anything......I don't know about that, but I do enjoy a good love song!!! Smile.

I usually put on paper what I am feeling at that particular moment by writing in my journal or writing a poem. Most of the pieces that I create are about Love, but I am trying to broaden my horizons by writing on different topics.....we will see how that goes, but for now enjoy this piece that I wrote earlier this summer:
Your love is…..
Like a musical melody
Like musical bliss to me
That plays over and over in my mind.

Your love…….It’s like
my favorite song you see
You are that wonderful melody
Whose hook has me ready to sing.

Your love is……
Definitely meant for me
Your body and mine has the perfect chemistry
That I am ready to perfect…… daily.

Your love is…….
Quiet and unexpecting….
Quite perplexing…to tell you the truth
And I am ready to let it just flow.

Your love is…….
Mind-blowing and complex
Paralyzing and so perfect
That all I can do is sit back and enjoy the ride.