Friday, August 27, 2010

Random thoughts.....

I must admit....I am a hopeless romantic who loves Love!!! I know that I am not the only one who thinks about this on a regular basis ( could these people be called closet romantics? IJS), because I see it posted on FB and hear many.....many.... conversations on the subject. The topic may be finding love, trying to forget a love, or trying to "fix" the love that they already have. Buuuut it's all the same.....Love is wanted, and needed.

I do know however that if I ever fall in love again (Shai), I want a man who is a hard worker like my Father..... a man who definitely worked for his family, and made sure that we had all we needed. I want someone is going to make sure that the family home is taken care of.....physically and spiritually. I want a man like my Grandaddy, who worked many jobs to take of his ten children, and seemed to feed them, and clothe them even when it looked like he couldn't....and he never gave up!!! I want a man like my Great Uncle who worked 3 hours away from his wife.....and didn't complain when he worked on the line at GM with hips and knees that needed to be replaced....he was so dedicated....and so willing to work... he sat on a stool as he did his job with no complaints.

I often times I wonder if the men of Generation X, and the young men of the Millennial Generation will able to "go back" to the roots of our hardworking ancestors. Will these men work hard, get their education, and take care of their future families (or the families that they have already created) without waiting for someone else to take care of their obligations? I see it time and time again...young men ( and women for that matter) waiting for someone to take care of their responsibilities...its a shame!!!! Is it ego tripping that is causing our young men (and women) to "wait" for someone to do for them, when they are too lazy to do for themselves? I don't know....but I do wish that these questions that I have did not exist.

SOOOOO getting back to Love....I don't need a man with " deep pockets".....but I don't want a "Scrub" (TLC), I don't need a man with 5 degrees...but I do need him to be smart enough to do what's right......for me (that includes my children) and love me..... I think that is simple enough.....isn't it? LOL

I am writing this blog entry (and I know that I have been all over the place) because I am attempting to more deliberate about my thoughts and choices about who I have in my inner circle..... and wanted to get my thoughts out!

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