Thursday, July 15, 2010

X Factor


I have been listening to it all week in my car on my way to work....actually, I have been listening to to the Mis-education of Lauryn Hill for the past few weeks non stop. Music heals the spirit and the soul sometimes. Have you ever noticed that no matter your mood.....mad, sad, happy, in love, falling out of love (can you fall out of love?....that is an ENTIRELY different can find a song that will lift your spirits if you want them lifted, or keep you down in the dumps if you want to be there! Smile.

This song can take you so many places....I can feel the hurt, the pain, and the joy in her lyrics. I am not in any way a great music reviewer, I just know that sometimes when you are feeling some kind of way, or if you are struggling with anything that may occur in your life......picking a song, playing it through, can make your situation fit the song,....does any one else do that?

I am so glad that even if no one else understand me, no one else agrees with my views or the things that I say.....I know that I can put on my favorite tunes....and just get lost in the moment without explanation or justification. I am glad to have an outlet in the arts that allows me to grow....allows me to vent.....and allows me to use my talents.

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