Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Deliberate Preparation is Key!

It's the end of the school year, the time that college the age students that I teach and advise are taking finals, packing their dorm rooms, and filling out applications for summer jobs.

I wonder if they have taken the time to think about their year........what they have accomplished, what they wanted to accomplished, and what they did not accomplish. I have so many students running to me AT THE END OF THE YEAR trying to clean up what they messed up.....realizing that it is too late.

It breaks my heart that people, especially young people don't realize they mess up opportunities in the future with the choices that they are making presently. I want to shake them so they understand that many times their choices have a deeper impact on their lives that they will ever be able to imagine.

I think about my students, and I often wonder if I am encouraging them, through my words and actions to be the very best they can be. As their "advisor", do I give them the tools needed to carry them through until their next class, their next "big" academic decision?

I gave one of my classes a challenge earlier this year.....I asked them the question: Who are you? What is your brand? I challenged them to have a vision and a path for their lives so they have an idea of what they are working for.

I leave this blog entry of randomness thoughts with a challenge to anyone who may read it: Are you ready? Have you prepared for your future, for your reward, for your destiny? What are you doing  EACH DAY to ensure that you are ready for what is in store for your life.

These are things that I am trying to incorporate in my life......we shall see....we shall see.

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