Saturday, February 6, 2010


I’M OVER IT NOW!!! How many times have we said this time and time again only to realize that we are not as over it as we think we are? It’s hard sometimes to get over the hurt that others have caused you, the bad decisions that you made in the past, or even the nonsense that you are doing presently that cause the turmoil that you are experiencing.

Many times people complain about how friends take advantage of them, yet they continue to allow them to dump their troubles, and drama on them. People say they are tired of bad things happening to them all of the time, but refuse to change the things they are doing in order to get themselves out of the situations that they are in.

I think about this all of the time as I go through my daily routine…………how I used to be that person who needed a change, but continued to wallow in the same situations without attempting to modify my actions. I found out quickly that this doesn’t work. Though it is hard to make it through some of the storms that come with life, I had to understand that without a plan, and without putting that plan into action, I would never truly be able to say that I’M OVER IT NOW!!!!

I have found that through my struggles (some which were self inflicted) that I can make it, and that I am strong woman. My trials taught me that I can persevere and be a role model for so many who are going through the same thing that I have gone through. I know that my life speaks without me saying a word that: I’M OVER IT NOW!

Soooo, I have to say that looking within yourself, finding strength in God, and knowing that your steps are ordered will reveal the destiny that was created for you. I am a true believer that the things that are meant for your life are already known and your path has been created, you just have to make sure that you are ready to hear the directions that will lead you there. I believe that by doing those things will give you the strength to say: I’M OVER IT NOW, and give you the motivation to stay on the path meant for your life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love it! This is very inspirational!!